SF Blue Tech September
Happy Hour Networking
September 6, 2023
5 – 7:30pm
South Beach Cafe
San Francisco
Our next blue tech September happy hour returns to San Francisco on September 6. Join us from 5 to 7:30pm at South Beach Cafe. The agenda for this event is dedicated to peer introductions and networking.
Growth of blue tech start ups, NGOs and coastal restoration efforts are on the upswing within the San Francisco Bay region. SF Blue Tech would like to see like-minded ocean and coastland stewards, scientists and blue tech professionals come together to network, share resources and ideas, plus further inspire actions to help our planet, oceans and waterways.
There’s plenty of street parking in the area (metered, evening rates). There is not a San Francisco Giants game in the city that night. South Beach Cafe has both indoor and outdoor space. At the last event, most guests lingered outdoors so dress accordingly. Food is available for purchase.
- imported and U.S. beers, wine, espresso drinks
- pizzas from the oven, sandwiches, salads, desserts
* You may bring your reusable utensils, containers and water cups. This business is helping reduce waste.
march happy hour 2024 - sfbluetech.com
SF Blue Tech brings together ocean and coastland stewards, scientists and blue tech professionals to network, share resources and ideas, plus further inspire actions that help our planet, seas and waterways This networking series is for individuals employed within the blue tech industry, ocean science students and educators, plus coastal and estuary restoration professionals. Monthly events hosted in San Francisco from 5 to 7:30pm.
Event Type: BusinessEvent
Event Attendance Mode: OfflineEventAttendanceMode
Event Status: EventScheduled
Performer: Organization
Performer Name: SF Blue Tech
Performer URL: https://www.sfbluetech.com
Start Date: 2024-02-15 17:00
End Date: 2024-02-15 19:30
Ticket URL: https://sfbluetech.com/events/february-happy-hour/
Entry Price: 0.00
Currency: USD
Availability: InStock
Availability Starts: 2024-02-15T17:00:00