SF Blue Tech March
Happy Hour Networking

march 13, 2024
5 – 7:30 pm
south beach cafe

Additional details and articles here on evenbrite listing

Can we tap the motion of waves and tides, then convert this into energy?

Salter’s Duck, AKA the Edinburgh duck, was invented by Stephen Salter in response to the oil shortage of the 1970s. One of the earliest generator designs proposed to the Wave Energy programme in the United Kingdom, Salter’s Duck had proven high efficiency. Unfortunately, funding was halted in the 1980s after oil prices rebounded and the UK government shifted focus away from alternative energy sources.

Is timing right to re-examine the duck’s potential? Our presenter wishes to find out.

March Happy Hour Agenda

6:15 – 7pm roundtable discussion

  • Salter’s Duck overview
  • Additional methods for marine-based energy
  • Grant funding options, including HeroX Power at Sea grants
  • Creating a Concept Phase development team

5 – 7:30pm open networking

Please patronize this venue and purchase food and/or drink: beer, wine, espresso, pizza, sandwich, salad, dessert, etc. Be eco-conscious: bring name badge, reusable cup.

March Happy Hour Presenter

Kevin Cameron viewed Salter’s tanks while a student at the University of Edinburgh. A Silicon Valley veteran, he has worked for Cirrus Logic, Samsung, Cadence, Microsoft and others.

february happy hour SF BLue Tech speaker kevin Cameron Salters Duck

Kevin Cameron
Electronic Engineer
IEEE Senior Member
The University of Edinburgh
Electrical & Electronic Engineering

march happy hour 2024 - sfbluetech.com

SF Blue Tech brings together ocean and coastland stewards, scientists and blue tech professionals to network, share resources and ideas, plus further inspire actions that help our planet, seas and waterways This networking series is for individuals employed within the blue tech industry, ocean science students and educators, plus coastal and estuary restoration professionals. Monthly events hosted in San Francisco from 5 to 7:30pm.

Event Type: BusinessEvent

Event Attendance Mode: OfflineEventAttendanceMode

Event Status: EventScheduled

Performer: Organization

Performer Name: SF Blue Tech

Performer URL: https://www.sfbluetech.com

Start Date: 2024-02-15 17:00

End Date: 2024-02-15 19:30

Ticket URL: https://sfbluetech.com/events/february-happy-hour/

Entry Price: 0.00

Currency: USD

Availability: InStock

Availability Starts: 2024-02-15T17:00:00