Napa Clean Up

Creek and Roadside

Sunday, June 9

Team with SF Blue Tech
and Napa Residents



cleanup SF Blue Tech community creek and road litter pick- up

Clean Up Background

There is long-present litter along Solano Avenue, most notably from Trower to Luke Avenue, that could benefit from a Napa clean up. Debris is present and, because it is not getting removed, has broken down into smaller and smaller bits over the years.

This stretch continually gains additional litter: sources being passengers who utilize two bus stops along Solano, drivers who toss litter out the window, citizens who walk this region, plus natural forces (wind) which blow loose debris to this stretch.

A small urban waterway, Salvador Creek, runs the length. Lots of manmade debris is visible within the waterway and along the road.

Napa Clean Up

  • June 9
  • 9am to approximately 11:30am
  • Arrive when able; meetup along the route
  • Gloves, safety vests, grabbers provided
  • Wear old clothing, sturdy shoes
  • Bring sun hat, sunscreen, water bottle


Meet at corner of Trower Avenue and Solano Avenue at bike trail. Plenty of free street parking in the area.

For Napa clean up, we will work in teams, heading north with goal to reach Luke Avenue, where the urban creek tucks underground.

Most litter to clean up is on the street and within the weeds. Some is located within the waterway. We will reach into to waterway to clear debris.


Organizer is SF Blue Tech (Napa native) with support from Napa Healthquest, Napa Climate Now!, Napa RCD

Project has approval from: Napa Flood Control, City of Napa, County of Napa, Napa Bike Coalition, Department of Fish and Wildlife

Have questions or need info:

cleanup map napa SF Blue Tech creek cleanup and roadside litter